Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Monumental Night...

this past weekend was our spring retreat and it was a great time. saturday night at the retreat was a particularly monumental night for a number of students and for our ministry.

the retreat takes place at the lake of the ozarks and there is a time of baptism down at the lake. so on saturday night we had 6 students get baptized. anna campbell, theresa beckmann, luis semidey, daniel williams, andrew hargis, and jeff hayes. it was awaesome...i felt like i maybe got a little bit of what it would have been like to be baptizing after Peter's sermon where 3000 came to faith. it just had such a communal feel to was awesome!

and i think that the thing that i was by far the most excited about is that i really believe that none of them made the decision based out of a bunch of emotion or a "camp high". i have always said that i want to mess students live's up in the best way imaginable, and that is exactly the way i feel about these 6 students. i feel like they are all just in the beginning of a life-long process. i really believe that they have all been messed up in the best way imagineable!

1 comment:

bob bacon said...

Congrats at spring break. Good stuff.

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