Monday, March 1, 2010

That Thing God Does...

i meet on a weekly basis with the male community group leaders in our ministry. and this year as a part of our weekly meetings we have been going through a series of "major" stories from the bible that span from genesis to revelation.

we meet on thursday afternoons and so i typically find myself studying the story on thursday morning sometime in preparation for thursday afternoon. however, this past week, i knew that i was going to be particularly busy on thursday and so i had planned on reading the story for thursday during my morning quiet time that day.

however, when i got up on thursday morning, i realized that i had forgotten to bring him the bookmark that has the references for the stories that we are reading, and so i didn't know what story i was supposed to be reading. and on top of that, i was tired and had a tough time getting out of bed and so i only had a few minutes to spend reading that particular morning.

and since i didn't know what story i was supposed to be reading for my meeting, i decided i would just read a little in the one year chronological bible that i have been reading (for over a year now...but i will finish). so, i opened up my one-year bible and i had time to read just 12 verses of scripture. i read mark 2:1-12 (Jesus heals a paralytic).

and unfortunately (or so i thought), that was all the time that i had to read that morning and so i headed off to the office for a busy day. and it wasn't until about 2:30 that i was even able to pick up the bookmark that had the reference for the story that i was supposed to read on it (the meeting where it is to be discussed starts at 3:30). and i look down on the bookmark where it says what we are supposed to read for the week and it says, "Jesus heals a paralytic".

to which i am like, "holy crap"...but because i had looked ahead for just a second in my one-year bible, i remembered that there is more than one account in scripture of Jesus healing the paralytic man. and so then i quickly jumped down below the title, "Jesus heals a paralytic", to see what the reference was, and sure enough...the reference underneath that title said...

"Mark 2:1-12" are a pretty cool never cease to amaze me...and i am blown away by the many forms that your grace takes!!

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