Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friends...One of God's Greatest Blessings...

i taught this past week at dig on relationships: us with others, and it was one of those lessons where afterwards i realized that it had a lot to speak personally to me.

i talked about the model of relationships that Jesus had: the crowds, the 72, the 12, and the inner 3...and about how we need to strive to have a similar model in our own lives. we also talked about what our role needs to be in each of these types of relationships...

and God has really shown me some amazing things in the past week. i feel like He was calling me to grow and change, especially when it comes to "the 12" and "the inner 3". that i needed to be more intentional and that i needed to invest more and be more vulnerable in those relationships...

and over the past few days, God has given me opportunities to go deeper with my friends, to be vulnerable, to hold each other accountable and to really take steps to grow to what i believe is much more of what He desires...

and yeah...i still have many ways that i need to grow in order to truly be like Christ...

but it has been so good...and i am reminded that life is so much better when it is shared with friends in truly, meaningful, Godly relationships...

it makes me excited to continue to invest and strive and grow and be challenged to see where God might take things...

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