this past weekend, we had our spring retreat down at the lake of the ozarks with many of the other campus ministries from the area. despite being very tired from a long week leading into was a really good time with about 30 of our students!
by far the highlight of the weekend for me though was getting to do my first baptism. i had the opportunity (in some extremely cold water) to baptize jenna! congratulation jenna!!
what an awesome image of being buried with Christ and then being raised again to new life!!
i recently started reading a new book called Metamorpha by Kyle Strobel...
i really like the thoughts that he has and the ways that he is thinking through faith and God and whatnot. Here are a couple of small sections of what he has to say about this metamorpha life that we are to be living...
"The metamorpha life is one of continual deconstruction and reconstruction of our views."
"In this setting, the whole point of Christian growth is the process. Such churches do not ignore any ideal about the Christian life, but they see it as a point on the horizon to journey toward, not a point in the past that we have already achieved that then permits us to just walk through life unchanged."
i really like these thoughts and it is my hope and prayer that as i continue through this book and as i continue to kick around these thoughts, that it will truly help to deconstruct and reconstruct the way that i think about both my personal relationship with Christ and also the way that i lead a ministry and the way that i direct students in our ministry...
for the few of your that actually read my blog, i know that it has been a while since i have written...
there has been so much going has kept me unbelievably busy. things at campus house have been super busy as the year winds down and we try to get all of the end of the year things together while also starting to look ahead to the things of next year. it is just a crazy time because you get to the point where you just want to be done and have a break and relax and re-energize and whatnot, but to really make next year be all that it can be, there has to be a considerable amount of time and effort put in now into thinking about next year.
and then there has been personal busyness as well. this past weekend, cailyn and i moved into our new home! it is very exciting to actually be living in our very own home. this past saturday we were incredibly blessed to have the help of so many of our amazing friends to help us move. it was less than 6 hours, they were able to help us load, move, and unload all of our stuff. amazing!!
it is certainly an awesome thing to be surrounded by such an amazing community that cares for us and takes care of one another so well! what a blessing...
now the challenge is that there are many little projects that need to be finished on the house and also many boxes that need to be sorted through and given a permanent home. we are just going to have to be patient and know that things will get done in the end.