Thursday, October 25, 2007


one of my faults is that i tend to get pretty frustrated with what i feel is immaturity, especially in the church setting. especially when i am teaching!

i feel like this is kind of where we are at campus house right now. my opinion is that the students are very attentive to what we are doing and that they are there more as a social event. the assumptions that i tend to come to from this are that they are immature and not very deep.

and so in my inadequacy, i tend to feel like i would rather just not have those people there at all because they are just a distraction. but i was gently reminded by a friend that that is not the case. he reminded me that if people aren't there, then there is absolutely no possibility in them hearing anything. and if they are there, even if i don't feel like they are listening or paying attention, i can never be sure what they might really be hearing.

so i really want to strive to instead of getting frustrated with people, use it as motivation to seek out new thoughts and philosophies to try to meet these students and grow them in there walk from where they are standing right now. i pray that God will begin to shift my mindset and open up new ideas to me.

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