Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Long Break...

it has been a number of weeks since i have last written. it has been a really crazy time ober the last few weeks. the school year has wrapped up, which brought with it a number of different events and activities that we don't usually have in a typical week.

then as soon as school was over, i began to put together thoughts and lists of things that i/we need to get done during the summer. it has taken a good amount of time to compile the list of things that need to be done and then to begin to transition into the summer mode of laying things to accomplish and then systematically working through them one at a time.

i am beginning to feel like i am in the swing of things for the summer, just in time to start taking some vacations and time off, that will no doubt mess with my routine. next week cailyn and i will be heading to southern indiana for 3 days of a campus ministers retreat and then up to my parents lake cottage for 3 or 4 days before we head back to missouri.

there are not going to be too many full weeks of work in the month of june, which means that i really need to take advantage of the time that i do have to work and to really get things accomplished.

currently i am working on reading through some books to get some thoughts together and figure out some teaching direction and some new thoughts for the upcoming year. currently, i am reading through a book called The Tangible Kingdom. it has some really good thoughts and i think it is going to get me thinking is some really great ways!

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