Sunday, March 15, 2009

Headed to Mexico...

i am currently sitting in the airport in dallas headed for el paso, texas with a group of students to build a house for a family in juarez mexico. it has been a long process of planning and preparing and praying to get to this point, and it is so good to just be going.

i don't know if you have been following the news or not, but there has been much violence in Juarez in the past year...and it has put a stress on our team and on many of the parents of these students. but i am so proud of the group that is actually going. i feel like they are trusting God in some really awesome and really healthy ways. it is refreshing to me to see young people who are not caught up in the pressures of the world, but instead are willing to follow the call that they believe God has put on their lives.

does that mean that we are ignorant to the dangers or that we believe that we are invincible. no...of course not. but we do believe that we are following the call of an insanely huge God, and that is awesome!!

it is good to be ready to i just hope that we all end up safely in el paso...(we are flying on 5 different flights.)

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