Friday, February 5, 2010

A Crazy Thing Called Pride...

pride is a crazy thing. it seems that often times, when things aren't going terribly well, when we are not terribly successful, pride doesn't seem to be nearly as tempting.

but as things go well, as we grow in our abilities...i would say, particularly, in our abilities that God has wired us for...the temptation towards pride seems to grow...

recently i have struggled alot with pride. i wouldn't necessarily say with pride itself, but with the temptation towards pride.

i have been feeling like God has been teaching me and growing me in some awesome ways. and that is exactly it...if it weren't for God being actively at work, i simply wouldn't have the abilities that i do. and yet, it can be incredibly tempting to become prideful about those very same abilities.

and i just wish that there was an easy solution to turn away pride...but there just isn't. at least not the way that i see it. it is something that we must actively and intentionally flee from daily. and as things go well, the need to intentionally flee only grows.

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