Friday, March 12, 2010

Boxing Day...

cailyn talk on the phone yesterday with an older lady who was originally from england. they apparently talked about just about everything under the sun.

one of these things that they talked about was boxing day. apparently in england there is/was a holiday that took place on december 26th (the day after christmas) and the whole premise of the holiday is that you take your old stuff that you don't want anymore and your leftover food from your christmas dinner the day before, and you box it all up and take it to the poor and needy.

sounds like an amazing idea to say the least.

after cailyn told me about it, she said that she thought that it would be a great family tradition to start, and i really don't think that i could agree more. i think that would be an awesome family tradition. what an awesome show of the fact that Jesus has been born into the world. and what a great learning experience that would be for children!

boxing we come!!

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