Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 38 : A Little Bit of a Rest Day...

From Middle of Nowhere, CO to Kremmling, CO - 22.6 mph

Story [in numbers]:

Time on bike: 2:15:37
Average speed: 10 mph
Max speed: 34.9 mph

Story [in words]:

this morning we decided that we were just going to sleep until we were ready to get up. it was definitely a nice change of pace. however, even after we got up, we were both feeling tired and worn out...and i have been dealing with some pain in a tooth and inflammation in my gum. we figured we needed to ride at least a little, so we loaded up and headed out.

unfortunately, we were in a situation where we didn't have any food on board with us. and as it turned out, the restaurant that was supposed to be 8 or so miles ahead was closed. so we ended up having to ride all the way into kremmling on just a little bit of trail mix.

fortunately, we were able to make it without too much trouble. we quickly found a great little pub type restaurant to grab some lunch...and we got inside just before it poured rain, along with some hail. it was definitely nice to be inside for that.

after we finished our lunch, we started looking at the maps to try to make a decision about what the rest of the day was going to hold, as well as the rest of the trip into yellowstone. we took a look at everything, as well as how we had been feeling so far on the day...and in the end, we decided that we would just stay in town for the night and rest up a little more. we began to look for a place to stay, and as it turned out, there was a hotel in town that had hostel style rooms for $25. which meant that it was a normal hotel room, except there is a shared shower and toilet room. turned out to be a really really nice deal!

so, we holed up in the hotel...did a little laundry in the sink, went down to the grocery store down the street to get a little food, made some phone calls to catch up with a few people, and just tried to relax a little. it was definitely a welcomed change of pace for the day. plus, as it turned out, there were 3 or 4 more significant storms that came through...glad to be inside for sure!

1 comment:

Cheryl Merchant said...

Sounds like you made the right decision. The storms in the mountains can really be bad.
We have secured a campsite for two tents at Madison for July 15. This campground is in the shadow of National Park Mountain. Here is where Everts, Washburn, Coulter and a few others decided that this should be place set aside for everyone.
We are working on the rest of the arrangements. We are staying with some of Bob's relation south of Cody on July 11.
We have the cooler that you have requested. We are bringing lots of good food for our rendezvous.
Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Bob

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