Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Challenge of Relationship...

i was thinking this morning...and have been thinking recently...about how often i want for cailyn to just be able to know exactly what i am thinking and understand exactly where i am coming from, my perspective, without having to spend time dialoging and talking about it.

talking and conversing...sharing life...takes a lot of time and effort. it is work. and don't get me wrong...i understand fully and completely that it is well worth it. i am just saying that often times i wish that it didn't have to be that way. probably mostly because of laziness and the desire for things to be as easy as they can possibly be. i don't like that sometimes i am that way...but that reality is that, at time, i am.

so yeah...i wish that there could be full and complete relational understanding without all of the time and investment.

and this morning, that got me thinking about my relationship with God. and really it is pretty much the same way. i am have a full and complete desire to know God's heart and His is just that often times i would rather just know them without all the relational investment and time spent. i want the cliff notes version...i want to get the results without putting in the time.

however, i know that, just as in the marriage relationship, that is not how it is designed to be. we are designed to spend time with have Him on our hearts and minds...and out of much time and much investment and much of what the world would call "inefficiency"...comes an understanding of His will and desires...His heart.

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