Friday, July 1, 2011

The Power of Specialization...

this summer, our staff at campus house is growing from 3 people, to 5. it is an incredibly exciting time. one thing i am most excited about is the new passions and excitements, along with the talents and abilities that, i believe, will turn those passions and excitements into amazing new endeavors.

however, personally, i have noticed a challenge in this. as i have been observing these talents and abilities, that go along with these passions and excitements, i have found that one of my first reactions is to feel like i need to grow. like i need to learn that ability. like i need to acquire that passion. and while i forever want to strive to learn and grow, i do not believe for a second this is the growth that i or God desire. and it is certainly not the growth that will allow our ministry to reach it's full potential.

so much of the beauty in a staff that is growing is that we possess different passions and abilities. and if i can focus less on aligning with someone's talents and abilities, and instead focus on maximizing and featuring those talents and abilities, the sky is the limit.

in this year that lies ahead, i want to focus...with both our growing staff and our ever deepening leadership team...on identifying their unique passions and abilities...the things that they are far better than me at...the thing that they may just be the best in the world at...and celebrate that, feature that, encourage that, and simply be the cheerleader for a tribe that is way bigger than me.

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