Thursday, August 18, 2011

Introducing a New Blog Strategy...

a new school year is under way, and we are back in the swing of things here at campus house.

with the new start i am excited to share that i will be taking a new, more intentional approach in blogging. here is what it will consist of...

on thursdays, i will write a follow-up to the teaching from the night before here at campus house. i hope for it to be a place to expound a bit and a place where conversations can take place in response to the teaching.

on mondays, i will write about a book i am currently reading or have recently read.

periodically, i will share other thoughts that pertain to this journey of finding our way back to God.

so...with that in is the first thursday post...

last night, part of what i talked about was expounding on our vision..."A Jesus community helping students find their way back to God"...specifically trying to grasp what we mean by "back to God".

we traced a path that moved from the first words of scripture..."In the beginning God created" John 16 and 17 where it talks about this God who created being relational and each member seeking to glorify and delight in the others...and that it is in this image that we are created...when God says "let us make man in our our likeness"...and that after He creates, of all the possible details that could have been shared, the detail that was shared was that this creation (named Adam and Eve) were "naked and unashamed".

my proposal is that "finding our way back to God" is about journeying back to this place where we are naked before God...and yet are unashamed. honestly, i don't know exactly what that looks like, but i know i want it...whatever "it" is.

what do you think "it" is. what might it look like for us to begin to get a glimpse of being "naked and unashamed" before God?

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