Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Book : I Once Was Lost...

on wednesday, i was talking with a new student who is on the baseball team here at ucm. he is a relatively new follower of Christ and is fired up about sharing this new-found relationship with his teammates. his passion is awesome and his heart is undoubtedly pure, but i was encouraging him to strive to not turn his teammates into projects.

that he needs to see them and value them as people, and realize that if they are going to come to relationship with Christ, it will be through a journey and a process. (and if they don't ever come to a relationship with Christ, he should be friends with them just the same...their coming to faith is God's job not his) and that if their journey is going to start with him, it is going to be through his simply being their friends. Because likely, for many of them, they are at the stage of simply needing to trust a Christian.

this reminded me of the best book i have read, (as a matter of fact, the only book i have not wanted to throw across the room) on evangelism (sharing Christ with others). the author, don everts, does a fantastic job of keeping the reader from feeling riddled with guilt, and instead embraces the process that God is working in and around people.

the book is called I Once Was Lost. you can check it out here.

if you feel lost when it comes to evangelism, and maybe more than that, if you have been left feeling infuriated by the guilty feeling other books of this sort have left on your spirit, you will not be disappointed with this fresh perspective!

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