Thursday, March 31, 2016

11 Signs a City Will Succeed...#3...

James Fallows recently wrote a fascinating article in The Atlantic based on research conducted by he and his wife.  The article lays out 11 key factors that seem to point to the success of a city.

Read the entire article here.

This set of posts offers musings on each of the 11 signs.

#3..."Public-private partnerships" are real...

There is something incredibly exciting about what this says regarding the synergies latent within society.  The flourishing of humanity and society was always meant to be a group/collective effort, not a one-man band.  It gives substance to the phrase "it takes a community".  Because indeed it does, in ways that exceed what we even imagine.

I believe it ultimately points to the fact that all things have a common initiator and therefore continue to remain dependent on one another.

Much of society has come to look much like a beehive with hundreds of compartments.  This sign seems to indicate that flourishing requires something much less compartmentalized.

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