Wednesday, June 8, 2016

First Time...Now What?

A few days ago Seth Godin wrote a blog post entitled "On knowing it can be done".  Essentially, it's about how the world often thinks/assumes something is impossible...until it is accomplished...and then often the flood gates open to many more people/organizations doing/accomplishing the same thing and even more.

It is certainly true, however when applied at the individual level there actually seem to be two options as to what happens next.

One option is what Seth suggests.  The flood gates open.  It is a springboard for amazing progress.  Seth uses the example of running, and the ever improving mile time.

The second option is the exact opposite.  The accomplishment has been realized, therefore there is no need to continue to push, and stagnancy sets in.  The moment of the "first" becomes the pinnacle moment.  It's the individual who runs a marathon and then never runs again.

The first option is a milestone.  The second is a finish line.

The first option leaves footprints.  The second leaves a monument.

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