Monday, July 18, 2016

10,000 Foot vs. Ground Level...

In the middle of a sandy desert on a cloudy day, the only way to definitely know one is progressing towards their desired destination is to be able to get a 10,000 foot view.  And yet, paradoxically, the only way progress will actually be made towards that goal is to put your feet on the ground and move.

Much of life is similar...

10,000 foot views and ground level movement...significantly different...both vitally important.

The challenge is knowing when and how to take each perspective.

Too much 10,000 foot view creates lots of thoughts and opinions that never actually go anywhere and influence anything.

Too much ground level movement results in being off course, stuck, and not quite sure how to get back to the desired path.

Maybe this is where a drone could really come in handy.  One could be making ground level progress and getting the 10,000 foot view simultaneously.

Metaphorically this is difficult to accomplish, but great mentors are a bit like drones.  As we largely focus on the ground level movement, a great mentor can be a bit like a drone flying up above giving direction and guidance.

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