Thursday, July 14, 2016

Critical Mass...

One end of the spectrum is about blazing a trail completely irrespective of what others think and who cares about what.  Best case scenario at this end of the spectrum is success, while not winning friends or influencing people.  It might be possible but likely not enjoyable.  Worst case scenario is that so many people become upset and bent on opposition that they shut down what you are attempting to do.

The other end of the spectrum is about seeking the approval and backing of absolutely everyone.  Best case scenario at this end of the spectrum is that you get the backing and support of most but it takes forever to do it and you are exhausted by the time you arrive.  Worst case scenario is the thing never gets off the ground because the desire to get everyone on board is paralyzing.

The middle ground is the Critical Mass.

People's perspective and buy-in matter, but there will always be people who stand in opposition, and so the challenge is in identifying the point when the critical mass exists such that things can and should move ahead.

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