Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bait and Switch...

in the last few weeks since i found out that the head campus minister was leaving and that i would be filling his shoes, i have many people ask me if i feel like he pulled a bait and switch on me in bringing me out here.

however, i feel very confident that there was nothing of that sort going on...or at least not on his part...

i do however think that there may have been a bait and switch is just that it was God that was pulling the bait and switch. see, i have come to realize that if i would have come to UCM to interview and the board would have told me that they wanted to hire me to be the head campus minister, i would have probably told them that there was no way. so it seems as though God knew that He needed a different method to get me here.

so, do i think that jon pulled a bait and switch on me....absolutely i think that God pulled a bait and switch on me....i am certainly not going to rule it out as a possibility.

regardless His hand was at work the whole time!!

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