Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Friends and a house...a house and friends...

God has really been blessing us with some amazing friends here in Missouri. we have especially felt blessed by a couple who are in their late 40's. they seem to have kind of adopted us and we count it as a huge blessing. this past weekend we went to a farm sale with them, which was tons of fun. we also went with them to see a concrete foam form house....which brings me to our other excitement...

we are excited about the hope of building our own home. i am hoping to be able to contract the work myself, and we would like to do a good portion of the work ourselves as well. it is going to require a lot of dotting the i's and crossing the t's, but it should save a ton of money and be a lot of fun in the process.

and this foam form is really basically build your home out of these foam forms and then they fill them up with ends up being super energy efficient...

we have been looking at some land and have found some that we are rather excited about, so we are praying and seeing where God takes us in the process...

we are most definitely thankful for "friends and a house...a house and friends"...

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