Monday, July 23, 2007

His Timing

In the past week i found out that the head guy at Campus House is going to be leaving to take a different job, which leaves me to take over the lead role of teaching and administrating along with small groups for this coming school year.

It is a rather overwhelming feeling to say the least...

But isn't that just the way that God loves to use us. I look at so many people in the bible, like Moses for example, and the times when God uses them the most is when they feel like they are not capable of doing the work. There is just something about feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of ourselves that really leaves us with no option but to rely completely on God and to allow him to be the one doing the work through us, and i really believe that is what His desire is all along. So, i guess this is just like God to do something like this and i supposed that there is no place that i would really rather be than in the middle of a place where he is about to do something big.

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