Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Yesterday i threw out the idea of moving our weekly Wednesday night study (called DIG) back to the basement of our building here at Campus House. The last couple of years, they have been meeting on campus and this coming year we were going to have to meet in a regular classroom, which just felt way too rigid. The atmosphere just did not seem like it was one that was really conducive to intimacy and growing with Christ.

We have an amazing space downstairs that has very much of a coffeehouse type of a feeling, and will provide an amazing atmosphere for our weekly meetings. There is a little bit of a concern about the amount of space that is available, but i don't see us losing any more people because of the lack of space than we would lose in a classroom because of the students lack of interest in being in that type of atmosphere.

I am super excited about the space and the atmosphere that it provides! It should be awesome!

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