Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Amazing People!!

have you ever had those times in your life when you are intensely aware that God is surrounding you with amazing people that are not there by accident at all. i'm not talking about a pastor or someone like that, but rather someone who is just your average joe. someone who comes upon your life in the midst of the everyday living of life, and who comes along side you or into your life for a season and represents to you a piece of Christ. what a refreshing experience it is!!

cailyn and i have had the pleasure of one of those experiences recently. we are beginning the process of building a house and we have spent some time recently meeting with the guy who is doing a lot of our building, and he has been an amazing blessing to us. he is a guy who is all about Christ and being like Christ, and amidst a society that is all about making an extra buck anymore, it was so refreshing to see a guy that was interested in something very different than that. what a blessing!!

thank you, Lord, for your unannounced angels that we sometimes find right in our midst!!

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