Thursday, September 20, 2007

God is Good!!

as i mentioned yesterday, i was not feeling terribly confident about the lesson that i was teaching last night at DIG. i just felt like i was having a lot of trouble putting things together clearly and i wasn't feeling very confident about the material.

but God is always so good to provide!! he is truly perfected in our weakness! this morning, i came to the coffee shop where i usually work on thursdays. one of the girls that works at the shop also goes to campus house and when she was getting me my diet coke this morning, she told me that she really liked DIG last night and that she felt like it was really what she needed to hear.

in my mind, that makes the whole lesson worth while. i hope and i pray that many other people felt like they got something out of the lesson, but at the same time, just knowing that one person is still thinking about it the next day and processing it the next day makes it well worth it in my mind!

God is good in the way he uses us despite and sometimes in spite of the way that we feel about things.

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