Tuesday, September 11, 2007


one of the biggest challenges for me being the new director here at the central missouri campus house lies in some of the administrational meetings, such as staff meeting and student intern meetings. not that they are things that i feel like i cannot do, but i just don't have any experience with running those meetings, and so that poses some challenges at times.

God truly is faithful, though, to provide in those places where we are unsure of ourselves! in the past two days i have had this weeks student intern meeting and staff meeting, and they have both been the best that we have had by far. i truly feel like God has just guided our time and that He has been the one in charge and it is a great feeling.

things are by no means perfect, and they new will be. but the Great God that we follow is always faithful to provide enough glimmers of hope to keep us filled and encouraged, and that is most certainly my emotion of this morning!

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