Monday, October 1, 2007

Victories and Growth...

On Victories...

i have been thinking a lot lately and talking with cailyn about the idea of using the word victories do describe the ministry work that i am doing. i am such a sports mind and so the idea of victories is a very palatable one for me, and the bottom line is that when a young persons life is changed for Christ it is absolutely a victory...a huge victory. so i am working on starting to use that type of language because i feel like it will help me to remember the true importance of what i am doing.

along those lines...the last week or so seems like it has been filled with many victories! not necessarily massive ones, but just lots of little ones. it has been hard for me to get my scheduled items done the last two weeks or so because i have been having students wanting to get together with me and whatnot, which is absolutely a victory...even if it means rearranging some of the other things that i need to get done.

On Growth...

since i have had the opportunity to teach every week this semester, i have really seen it bring some awesome growth and development in my teaching skills and abilities. it is really exciting to feel like i am growing every week and that i am getting better at what i am doing. this past wednesday i was very comfortable with the material and it allowed me to be really free from my notes, almost completely free, which really allowed for the message to come across in what i felt was an awesome way!

so, it is just awesome to see the way that God grows us when we simply let Him. i feel like He just continues to put awesome thoughts and awesome materials right in front of me. almost as if He is saying, "here, i would like for you to say this this week". what an awesome feeling!

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