Sunday, August 15, 2010

A (Prayer) Walk to Remember...

tonight marks the start of my fourth school year here at central missouri...(well, classes actually start tuesday, but our week of welcome events began tonight) we always start the week with a prayer and praise night that is geared mainly towards our returning is a great way to give them a chance to reconnect and to focus and to prepare to invest in the new students.

i am sitting at my desk trying to accurately process the awesomeness of the night. the time of worship and prayer at campus house was so authentic and real...and it was all student lead. a number of different students lead prayer time, and it was raw and real and deep! quite frankly i was pretty blown away to say the least...not blown away by the worship and praying itself...but blown away by what was behind what God is doing in students!

and then, at the end of that time, we challenged students to go on a prayer walk around intercede for people and places in a very real and tangible way. it is something that we have done the last couple of years, but there was something different about it this year. as i walked around campus, i saw so many students from our ministry taking it so seriously...

one girl was sitting outside of the art building, where she is an interior design major and spends so much of her time. another who is on the track team spent time sitting on the side of the track. and so many seemed to be so passionate about being present and interceding for what is going to happen on this campus this year. it truly was awesome!

it was a night to remember. it leaves a wonderful taste in my excitement about this group...about what is happening in this place...about what God is doing!!

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