Monday, August 2, 2010

Thanks to an Awesome Wife...

i have been trying to get some follow-up/final thoughts written on our trip...and i feel like one of the biggest is a huge thank you to my wife for being awesome!

during the trip and in the aftermath of it, i can't begin to express how many times people were shocked that i had a wife that would be willing to ride a bike across the country with me. but she did...and she was awesome to do it with!!

that is one of the very biggest reasons that i love my wife! she is passionate...she is willing to listen to my passions...and she is willing to invest in those passions. and that is exactly what happened with this trip! i would never have actually considered this trip, let alone done it, if she wouldn't have been willing to listen to my crazy ideas and to allow me to dream. but she did...she did all of that and so much more, and for that i am so thankful and i love her so much more because of it! not many women would be willing to jump on a bike and ride some 2800 miles just because their husband was crazy and was looking for an adventure...

...and i guess that is part of why i chose to call cailyn my wife!!

so thanks honey...i love you!!!


mossyandmick said...

Hello Brad
I know it's been too long but I am at last getting round to contacting the great people we met from our bike trip. We don't seem to have another contact for you and Cailyn apart from this blog.
I have read the rest of your account of your trip after you left us before Chester and it was great to get another's thoughts on the same places and experiences. We also stayed at the Eagles in Chester (and saw our first rodeo there), we also camped behind the hotel in Lander by the river and by the lake at Saratoga Hot Springs after you passed through.

Just before Dubois Wyoming we met a man called Jim Bragg who was walking across the States over 4 summers. Jim was 72 years old and was a lovely person to talk to.

Our trip North up through Glacier NP and into Canada and along the Icefield Parkway was probably the best scenic riding we did in the whole trip, just beautiful. It was cold by then so we stayed at the wilderness hostels.
We eventually arrived at Jasper and met up with my son and his girlfriend Camila and stayed with them for 3 weeks before flying home.

We are now planning this year's trips. First in the UK - Isle of Skye to the Isle of Wight our local island - only about 900 mile by the route we will take but we will route past a lot of friends and stay with them so should be nice - they don't know this yet though!!

Later in the year we'll probably do a few weeks in France.

Hoping you and Cailyn are well, it would be good to hear from you.


Mick (the English bloke)

mossyandmick said...

Sorry Brad forgot to leave a contact ref.

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