Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life of David [1 Samuel 20]...

in chapter 20 of 1 samuel we SEE the friendship between jonathon and david playing out in a unique and deep way.

however, it was back in the beginning of chapter 18 that we were TOLD about the beginnings of their friendship. there it says that they "became one in spirit". but what does it mean to be one in spirit?

the hebrew word for "became one" is "qashar" and it means "to be knit together". to become one in spirit is to be knit together. being knit together was what made jonathon and david's friendship unique.

i think it is being "knit together" and "one in spirit" that Jesus is talking about when he is asked, "what is the greatest commandment of them all" and he replies, "love the Lord with everything you've got and love your neighbor as yourself". (Mark 12:28-31 - my paraphrase)

but what is the root of being knit together...of loving your neighbor as yourself.

i believe it goes all the way back to the beginning of everything. in genesis 1, God says, "let US make make man in OUR image", and these words show us that from before the beginning of everything, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit were living out this commandment of loving God and loving neighbor as yourself. perfectly. and it is this image that we, every single person in the world, is created in.

and so what is at the root of being knit together?

it is the way we were created to be. it is shalom. it is rightness, wholeness, completeness. it is the way things were in the garden of eden. it is the way things will be in heaven someday. all knit together on one long scarf.

so how might you change and how might the world change if you started viewing everyone as someone you are knit together with?

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