Monday, March 21, 2016

Why write?

Two reasons...

First, I recently heard Seth Godin (marketing guru and every day blog poster for more than 10 years) say that everyone should write a blog.  Not for themselves, but for what the process of writing can and will do in them.  Challenge acknowledged.

Secondly, one of the most significant things I miss about preparing to speak publicly (I worked for 10 years as a campus minister) is the challenge of thinking deeply through content and then wrestling through communicating those ideas to others in a compelling format.  That regular challenge formed and shaped me immensely and to whatever extent possible, I want to continue to be challenged by that sort of wrestling.  I sense that writing can replicate some of that.

So, today I begin a journey to write/post each weekday...

Honestly, it is a selfish endeavor.  I believe it will make me better.

If it grows or impacts others that is icing on the proverbial cake.

Here's to writing.  Cheers!

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