Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Teamwork of Orchestra(tion)...

A successful orchestra is a vibrant metaphor for a thriving team.

Here are  some aspects to muse on:

Unison is ALWAYS essential...without it there is dissonance and disaster...

Beginnings and endings matter...

The middle is the substance...and makes the terminal points matter...

An ultimate leader directs the others so they can successfully perform...

Individual leaders lead the separate sections...

Sometimes the pace is fast and furious...on the verge of spinning out of control...

Sometimes the pace is slow and steady...feeling like it might crawl to a stop...

Sometimes loud...

Sometimes soft...

Sometimes a section is loud...while another is soft...

Sometimes a certain section will rest...while the others play along (frantically)...

When an "ending" is really just the time for the next thing to begin...

Teamwork takes masterful orchestration, and great orchestras indeed get it right!

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