Friday, July 29, 2016

Live Responsibly...

As every alcohol commercial draws to its conclusion, the narrator speaks faster and faster and inevitably the last quickly uttered phrase is "drink responsibly".

What if instead the mantra was "live responsibly"?

If "living responsibly" was the forethought would it alleviate the need for "drinking responsibly" to be an afterthought?

And how does this idea expand out beyond alcohol?

If responsible living was the standard, it seems like it would begin to deeply revolutionize our world.

I am going to use this post to kick off a series of writings centered around what it looks like to "live responsibly".

Interested to see what focusing some writings on this topic brings about.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

All Progress is Step-wise...

I can be easily tempted into thinking I ought to be able to make progress towards a goal in leaps and bounds.

However, this sort of progress is so rare it might as well be non-existent.

Progress comes by putting one foot in front of the other.  Sometimes the pace of the steps is faster or slower, but that doesn't negate the fact that they are one step at a time.

Babies grow into taking steps and then they never grow through or beyond that phase.  Progress in all other areas should follow the same step-wise format.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Power of the Ask...

Sometimes we spend far too much time wondering and hypothesizing...

No doubt, there is a place for these activities...

But sometimes we simply need to ask.

Whether it is pride, lack of information, or just timidity...there is a tendency to not ask enough or soon enough.

Just Ask!

The potential of what might result is immense!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Interruptibly Focused...

Working in the start up world comes with seemingly constant interruptions.  Things that need to be dealt with and/or thought about.

There is always something new around every corner you turn.  And something to hypothesize about that might be around the upcoming corner.

Many of these things most be addressed or they will become landmines down the road.

Yet the trick is, if some of the interruptions aren't made to wait, nothing ever actually gets done and the wheels just spin in place indefinitely.

The balancing act is in figuring out how to work in a focused manner while still embracing what the turn of a corner brings.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hope... dependent on things not yet seen.

People yearn for hope.

Ironically, people also do everything they can to avoid unknowns and ambiguity.

The trick is, you can't have both true hope and a lack of unknowns.

One is dependent on the other.  The system can't be short-circuited.  Yet so often that is exactly what is happening!

By all means, seek hope!  Just make sure you understand the necessary requirements!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Failure is...

...not an event, but a decisive response to an event.

Some might suggest the Wright brothers failed in their first attempts at flight.  They did not.  Without those initial attempts with somewhat negative outcomes, they never would have actually taken flight.  They were not the best supported and most funded attempt at flight, but maybe what they did have was the best perspective and understanding on what constitutes failure.

Failure is not dependent on an outcome to a particular situation.

Failure only becomes failure when the decision is made to not learn, grow and move forward from a seemingly negative outcome to a particular event or endeavor.

Failure is a choice not an event.

Don't be mislead.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Power of the Crowd...

I am working as part of a team starting a local microbrewery/brewpub.  We are tracking towards a crowdfunding campaign around the end of the calendar year.

I am fascinated by the power that exists within the crowd.  There seems to be a latent energy such that if they are presented with an opportunity they can grab onto, and a structure that allows them to share with others in their crowd, the possibilities are endless.

It seems as though one of the main choices in trying to tap into the crowd is whether you are going to try to push them over the tipping point, or create an environment where they are able to naturally move themselves past the tipping point.

The later takes more work and creative thinking to setup, but it seems the potential to be reached in this approach is much greater!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


A while back Simon Sinek gave a revolutionary TED talk entitled "How great leaders inspire action".  The basic idea was that great leaders start by knowing and talking about the "why", then they move to the "how" and from that point flows the "what".

Knowledge...Understanding...and Wisdom follow the same progression.

Knowledge is the starting point.  It's the primary building block.  Without knowledge, things don't progress.  But knowledge alone accomplishes very little.

Understanding is the how.  It's the processing and dissecting of the knowledge.  Understanding begins to make things happen, but it's often inefficient and haphazard.

Wisdom is the what.  It's taking the knowledge and understanding and applying it effectively.  


It's a power packed progression.  It takes work to implement, but the rewards are substantial!

Monday, July 18, 2016

10,000 Foot vs. Ground Level...

In the middle of a sandy desert on a cloudy day, the only way to definitely know one is progressing towards their desired destination is to be able to get a 10,000 foot view.  And yet, paradoxically, the only way progress will actually be made towards that goal is to put your feet on the ground and move.

Much of life is similar...

10,000 foot views and ground level movement...significantly different...both vitally important.

The challenge is knowing when and how to take each perspective.

Too much 10,000 foot view creates lots of thoughts and opinions that never actually go anywhere and influence anything.

Too much ground level movement results in being off course, stuck, and not quite sure how to get back to the desired path.

Maybe this is where a drone could really come in handy.  One could be making ground level progress and getting the 10,000 foot view simultaneously.

Metaphorically this is difficult to accomplish, but great mentors are a bit like drones.  As we largely focus on the ground level movement, a great mentor can be a bit like a drone flying up above giving direction and guidance.

Friday, July 15, 2016


"Oikonomia" favorite of Greek words...

Here is a good synopsis of it.

Literally means "household management", the "law of the house", or "house building".

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Critical Mass...

One end of the spectrum is about blazing a trail completely irrespective of what others think and who cares about what.  Best case scenario at this end of the spectrum is success, while not winning friends or influencing people.  It might be possible but likely not enjoyable.  Worst case scenario is that so many people become upset and bent on opposition that they shut down what you are attempting to do.

The other end of the spectrum is about seeking the approval and backing of absolutely everyone.  Best case scenario at this end of the spectrum is that you get the backing and support of most but it takes forever to do it and you are exhausted by the time you arrive.  Worst case scenario is the thing never gets off the ground because the desire to get everyone on board is paralyzing.

The middle ground is the Critical Mass.

People's perspective and buy-in matter, but there will always be people who stand in opposition, and so the challenge is in identifying the point when the critical mass exists such that things can and should move ahead.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Management and Leadership...

Management and Leadership are NOT interchangeable.

Management is largely about maintaining what is happening.  It is about operating most efficiently and effectively with what you currently have to work with.  Management is mainly about the actual assets and actual people that exist right now.

Leadership is largely about what might happen.  It is about imagining and envisioning how things might run more efficiently and effectively if different steps and actions were taken.  Leadership is about developing assets and people, and acquiring new assets and people, and then implementing those new things to create something more and different.

Again, management and leadership are NOT interchangeable.  But they are also NOT mutually exclusive.

It's about management AND leadership.

Great management requires moments of what only leadership can bring, otherwise the status quo will win.  Similarly, great leadership requires aspects of management, otherwise there will be no structure to support what leadership is creating.

Management AND Leadership.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Perfection vs. Perfecting

Perfectionism is the belief that something can be done such that there is no possible way it could be done better.

Perfectionism says "I/we arrived".

Perfectionism is only detrimental.

Perfecting is the belief that something can always be done better and there is reason to keep moving towards that ever moving target.

Perfecting says, "I/we will never arrive".

Perfecting is the mentality of greatness.

Perfection and Perfecting...two sides of the same line...determining which side you and/or your organization are on makes all the difference.

Choose wisely!

Monday, July 11, 2016


"Only let us live up to what we have already attained."  - Philippians 3:16

This is true accountability.

Sometimes it seems as though accountability is treated as something that someone ought to be able to live up to, when in actuality, it simply isn't realistic for that person at that time.

People and organizations can't be held accountable for things that are unrealistic.  It's futile.  Simply not possible.

Rather, accountability is about remaining true to what is what has been attained.

Accountability is about not regressing, and continuing to hold steady and push forward.

Accountability is about "living up to what has already been attained".

Friday, July 8, 2016


For some, opportunity correlates with options...and so long as there is a sense of having options, there is no need to push forward.  No need to operate with urgency.  No reason to seize the moment.

For others, opportunity is all or nothing...there may only be one opportunity and so there is an urgency to seize the moment, push forward and to capitalize on the opportunity because it may only happen once.

The former leads to complacency and stagnancy.

The later produces results beyond imagination.

The former is easy and comfortable.

The later is risky and challenging.

Most choose the former.

A few choose the later.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time!

Single bite meals are rarely satisfying.

What part of the elephant are you eating today?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's supposed to be hard!

For some reason many have been duped into thinking  things are supposed to be easy, or that there is a way to short-circuit the system into becoming easy.

This thinking is simply not true!

The reality is, if something had the potential of being easy it would not be fulfilling.  Challenge is essential for reward.  The story really only becomes good when there is a sense that things are getting difficult and the whole plot line might fall apart.

In a nutshell, things ought to be "simple and hard".

The world is not, and was never designed to be, any other way.

We would do ourselves a great favor by expecting things to be hard instead of  seeking a method for things to not be hard.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Perfectionism vs. Excellence...

The legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi is quoted as saying, "We will strive for perfection and settle for excellence."

The power and potential of this statement hinges on ones perception of perfection.

If perfection is something that an individual or organization sees as actually achievable, then settling for excellence will never be possible and therefore cannot be settled on, and ultimately perfection itself  becomes paralyzing.

On the other hand, if perfection is continually something to be striving for, while simultaneously being viewed as a constantly moving and never fully reachable target, then excellence is attainable and settling for it is possible.

So by all means, let's strive for perfection and settle for excellence, but let's also make sure that we understand the parameters of perfection.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence...Earned or Given???

The answer is..."yes"!

Independence is both earned and given.

Maybe the more important question is, "Which one comes first?"

Is independence first earned or given?

When we talked about independence, whether it be of a country or a child, it seems the implication is often that independence is first earned.  We talk often about a child needing to prove they can handle independence.  We equate a country's independence with fighting for freedom.

While this sense of first earning independence might sometimes be the necessary method, it is not the best method.

True independence must first be given, then earned.

Dave Ramsey talks about this idea of independence using the analogy of a rope.  It goes something like this.

First someone (an employee, a child, a country) is given one end of a rope, while the person or organization that independence is coming from holds on to the other end of the rope.  Next comes the "earning".  The person given control of the end of the rope must perform and show they are worthy of their new found independence.  If they prove themselves worthy, the amount of rope will be extended (of course if they don't handle their independence properly, the rope will be shortened), resulting in more and greater freedom.

Let's be clear...the earning part of independence is important...but let's also not is imperative that the earning be preceded by a giving.

Friday, July 1, 2016


My favorite of Hebrew words.

My choice definition of the word is "rightness, wholeness, completeness...the way things are intended to be".

Some of my favorite questions and thoughts...

Where can I see, validate, and affirm shalom in the world that surrounds me?

How am I creating and/or recreating shalom in this world?

What is my shalom-like role in life today?

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